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Human Rights Joint Platform

Our new contact info!

Please note the new contact info of Human Rights Joint Platform Secretariat.   Human Rights Joint Platform Address: Tunus Cd. No:87/8 Kavaklidere Ankara 06680 Turkey Phone: +90 312 468 84 60 Fax:     +90 312 468 92 53

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Some Human Rights Organizations not Invited to Refugee Seminar

A seminar titled as “Administration and Management of Reception Centers” has been organized by UNHCR Representation in Turkey and Police Department – Foreigners Migration Office between 23 and 26 December 2008 in Izmir through the Global Opportunities Fund for Migration of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Representatives of several …

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New Publication “Internet: Restricted Access”

IHOP published the book titled "Internet: Restricted Access A Critical Assessment of Internet Content Regulation and Censorship in Turkey" written by Dr. Yaman Akdeniz and Dr. Kerem Altıparmak. The book is published within the Freedom of Thought Programme of IHOP. Downloadable copies (English/Turkish) are available below.

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IHOP translates new UN Documents

IHOP updated its translation pool with the latest general comment of UN Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Committee and UN Fact Sheets as a part of its human rights defenders capacity building programme. The translations are available in Turkish for public use and free of charge. Please click for the …

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Violence Can Never Be Accepted – Bomb Attacks in Istanbul

The bomb attacks in Gungoren district of Istanbul killed 18 persons on 27 July 2008. 154 other individuals were injured.No action directly targeting civilians and killing them can be accepted. We invite all the parties responsible for protecting the right to life of people to comply with the rules of …

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ICC Coalitions Urges Turkish and Sudanese Govenment

Coalition for International Criminal Court in Turkey urged the Turkish Govenment to act in line with the decisions of the International Criminal Court and warn the Sudanese government to cooperate with the Court. The press release is available on ICC Coalition web site.

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Press Release – The Threat against Bask1n Oran

Scientist and human rights defender Prof. Dr. Baskın Oran has been threatened by persons using the name of TİT (Turkish Revenge Brigade). “TİT” was also a signature used by those persons who tried to kill Akın Birdal, former president of Human Rights Association, on 12 May 1998.

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Article 301 should be totally abolished!

The proposal to amend Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code on 7 April 2008 by a group of Justice and Development Party MPs will not clear the barrier against freedom of expression that the article creates. Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code was used to try 2724 individuals, …

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